The mail has gotten quite fun these days. In my office a small pile of wedding paraphernalia is growing: candy buffet apothecary jars, mini chalkboard easels for table numbers, and distressed wooden tags for seating cards, which arrived today. Also Front Door Organics delivered produce and so the house is full of fresh fruit and veg. Good mail days are one of life's delightful little pleasures.
In garden news, I've been harvesting zucchini and it's been magical. I love going out to the garden and plucking my food. And the pumpkin plant I was bemoaning sprouted a female flower I promptly pollinated and now a charming lil' punkin is growing on a vine that is taking over more and more of my backyard each passing day. I prune where I can, but can't bring myself to remove sections that promise to sprout more female flowers.
The tomatoes are plentiful, though still green. I'm going to have an abundance, which means I need to whet my appetite for toasted tomato sammiches. I've been harvesting my carrots and green beans, and the lettuce has gone to a better place. The only thing not growing are the bell peppers. The plants are growing and flowering, but no baby peppers yet. The onions are also perplexing.
As far as the flowers go, lilies have bloomed and in the unfair fashion of nature they're already on their way out. Beauty is so fleeting. But my sweetpeas, which I had given up for lost due to what turned out to be a less than ideal planting location, have starting climbing the fence and are beginning to flower. So I'm not feeling like a total failure. Not exactly a green thumb, but for a novice I'm very pleased with my first-time gardening results.
Now for some gardening pictures, and just for kicks I took them with a funky phone ap called Retro Phone. Well, not the first one, but the others I did.

Here is my garden with the pumpkin plant claiming
the entire yard for its own.
the entire yard for its own.

Here is a Polaroid shot of my first pumpkin!

And my tomatoes! Still green but lookin' fine.

One of the zucchini growing into a fine specimen of yumminess.
Taken with Fudge Can.
Taken with Fudge Can.

My sweetpeas blooming against all odds.
Fun close-up of a tomato with the Orange Box setting.

My carrots growing in a big bunch.

My onions doing... something.
Hopefully growing the way they're supposed to.
Hopefully growing the way they're supposed to.
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